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My name is Michelle Murray. I am a married working mother of two fine young men. I have been writing since high school. In high school and college, I won several awards for my poetry and short stories. Several were published in anthologies. At one time, I was told to stop writing, it was a waste of time. But, telling me to stop writing is like telling the Pope not to pray. It's part of me, part of who I am. So, I continued and came up with a story for children. I started writing Dream Walker.


 Dream Walker Land of Mystica  is a fun family friendly fantasy story. I was inspired to write this story from the power of dreams, and mist. I wanted to create a story children could read by themselves, or parents could read to their children without worry of adult content or overtones a lot of these books seem to have these days. I hope you enjoy the world and my story that I created. Please feel free to post questions, comments, pictures, or anything else on my Facebook page or to contact me using the contact me button below. I'm always willing to do author interviews, and answer questions about my books and characters.

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